My input excel file has some missing column and is something like below ReportDate, Name, Code, Text2 The excel file is missing the Text1 column, but the component tFileInputExcel1 doesnt validate the schema and assumes the column Text2 is Text1 and the column after Text2 as Text2 (as in the image, the column I marked in red).. I am aware that I can make uncheck the columns not to be nullable For testing purpose I deleted the number of columns from the excel sheet and did run the job.. Want to talk about Talend Open Studio Any problem to install Need help to use the software Want to make suggestions and discuss with dev team Forum is the right place.. To help enterprises improve operational performance, Talend also offers packaged open source business process software that supports business process modeling and simulation as well as rapid development, testing, and deployment of process-oriented applications.. As I wanted it is throwing an error because of the change in the columns But the error it is throwing is: Exception in component tFileInputExcel1 java. How To Install Liferay Theme From Browser

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My input excel file has some missing column and is something like below ReportDate, Name, Code, Text2 The excel file is missing the Text1 column, but the component tFileInputExcel1 doesnt validate the schema and assumes the column Text2 is Text1 and the column after Text2 as Text2 (as in the image, the column I marked in red).. I am aware that I can make uncheck the columns not to be nullable For testing purpose I deleted the number of columns from the excel sheet and did run the job.. Want to talk about Talend Open Studio Any problem to install Need help to use the software Want to make suggestions and discuss with dev team Forum is the right place.. To help enterprises improve operational performance, Talend also offers packaged open source business process software that supports business process modeling and simulation as well as rapid development, testing, and deployment of process-oriented applications.. As I wanted it is throwing an error because of the change in the columns But the error it is throwing is: Exception in component tFileInputExcel1 java. 773a7aa168 How To Install Liferay Theme From Browser

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When I am using tWarn and tLogCatcher as you said, it is throwing the warning as well as the previous error (special sheets not exist) Let me know what is that error about Thanks, Pooja.. Talend integrates, consolidates, transforms any data - Business - Extract Transform Load - ETL - EAI - ERP. Davinci Resolve 14 Studio Free Download For Mac

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